Pocket Monster - Remake APK v1.0.4 For Android APK Terbaru 2016
Pocket Monster - Remake APK v1.0.4 Game For Android 2016 - Hai guys, lama banget nih saya gk ngeblog karena sibuk dengan tugas kuliah guys. Tugasku guys kalau kawan tahu pasti kawan pasti ngeluh karena tugasnya ruwet dan butuh keterampilan yang tinggi Pocket Monster - Remake APK. Nah kali ini itu bukan masalah lagi karena tugas yang saya lakuin dengan kesabaran dan penuh keikhlasan karena itu kunci masalah yang saya rasakan bisa teratasi dengan tanpa hambatan Pocket Monster - Remake APK Mod
Pocket Monster - Remake APK v1.0.4 Game Free Download - Nah kali ini saya akan posting tentang game terbaru yang pernah buming karena banyak yang memainkannya karena memainkannya begitu asyik dan penuh keseruan yang tinggi Pocket Monster - Remake APK Hack. Game ini asyik banget loh kawan kalau kawan memainkannya pasti kawan lupa pada waktu dan pasti bakalan dimarahin sama orang tua karena lupa kegiatannya yang mau dilakuin Pocket Monster - Remake APK Battle.
Pocket Monster - Remake APK v1.0.4 Game Terbaru 2016 - Game ini adalah game yang mengadopsi dari anime jepang terkenal yaitu POKEMON game ini hampir mirip dengan dengan anime yang pernah kawan liat di layar tv yang dulu pernah kawan liat Pocket Monster - Remake Mod APK. Jadi game ini hampir mirip dengan anime yang terkenal jadi kawan memainkannya dengan sangat mudah dan membuat kawan terheran Pocket Monster - Remake APK Fantasy
Fitur - fitur game Pocket Monster Remake :
1. Attractive adventure story
The game is highly restored the classic work. However, it is more modern and interesting. Get through the towns and gyms one by one, capture monsters in wildness during adventure.
2. Grow your own monsters
Monsters are classified into different types, such as Ice-type, Ground-type, Psychic-type and etc. Everyone has different characters and abilities. No matter enemies in instance or in PVP, the formation of your team need to be considered carefully. Think over how to form your team will make you more and more powerful.
3. Compete against players all around the world★
Make friends with fans from all over the world with the same hobby. Compete with them in PVP, who will rank the top in all the trainers? Guild is a group for some players, you can advance together, for example, you can invite players in your guild to help you defend the mine.
4. Various kinds of shops
Various kinds of items are available in the shops. Buy some of them if you need the certain one. The goods refresh everyday, pay attention to the shops to get the recourse you want.
5. Multi Events
Get awards of multi events instead of wasting a lot of money. There are different events every week in the game and on official fan page, even for the fact of starting the game! Take part in and get monsters and items to be more and more powerful!
Link Download :
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